Saturday, January 28, 2017

Got7 Flight Log:Turbulence in Manila 2016 ( Part 2)

This post is looooong overdue hahaha, but let's still talk about the day that made my 2016.

Imagine being in the same room with them, breathing the same air. (I should've brought some plastic bags to get some air. HAHAHA! jk) It has been a month since they left and I really, really, reaaally miss them. huhuhu :(

Let's just pretend that it all happened yesterday. Hahaha!

TAP posted another update a day before the Fan Meet, "The boys have safely arrived in Manila" etc... together with a teaser Video. Okay.... I couldn't contain my happiness. My friends were already chatting me, asking If I'm ready and excited to meet them, huhuhu! I still cannot believe the fact that I'll see them! My friends and I planned to meet up before the fan meet starts and we agreed to meet around 4-5 p.m., I was pretty sure (and confident) that I can be there before 5, or so I thought. huhuhu :( Again, I'm sorry for being lateeee! huhuhu. (Ughhh. Traffic everywhere. Thanks a lot, Commonwealth and EDSA -_- )

I arrived around 5:30 PM and there were already hundreds of fans lined up to enter the Theater. I met Trina in front of Pizza Hut and Lexi in front of McDo. We went inside Gateway first because I needed to change and prep myself up. Hahaha!

I've put on my Super Mario Costume and felt happy about it, the fact that I managed to finish it is an achievement, hahaha! Most of my friends know that I get kinda lazy at times and I end up not finishing the things that I've started, hahaha! but since it's for Got7, a girl's gotta do what a girls got to do. I finished hand sewing it within 2 days! every stitch of that costume was made with love! hahahahaha! Why Super Mario, you asked? (or maybe not. hahahaha) If you've been watching Hard Carry on V app, Jackson's Halloween Costume was Super Mario, and just in case you haven't noticed, a big YES. I'm obsessed  in Love with Jackson Wang. and No, don't ask me why because I'll need a separate post to explain that. Hahaha!

Okayyy, let's go back to the topic, (HAHAHA) We went back to Kia Theater and of course, the line was again, unbelievable. I also felt so jealous to the fans who managed to get some merch from the fan sites, hayyy. :( but there was a time that we encounter someone from Yugyeom's Fan Club, I was really shy to approach her and so my friend ended up doing it for me, the eonnie was like,  " Who's Yugyeom Biased?" ( To be honest, her presence was quite intimidating. haha! ) She then asked us for Yugyeom's birthday. My answer was like this. " November, uhmm, november.." Hahahaha! I swear it was on the tip of my tongue! then my friend, saved the day again. Hahaha! yey! She gave us a "Wow, So amazing" banner, Kyaaaa!! <3 <3 <3

Did I already mention that the line was like, super duper longgggg?? Oh I think I already did. but yes, let me repeat it, again, it was like, craaaazy long. It seems like there's no end to the line, no kidding! We were lucky because my friend knows someone who is already in the line and she allowed us to squeeze ourselves in. The line was moving faster than I've expected, probably because it's almost time for the show to start, Ticket says that the Fan Meet starts at 7:00 pm, but I think it'll be impossible to start on time since there's still a looooong line of fans outside the theater. We were already getting closer to reality (entrance haha) and as expected, I was not calm at all. I couldn't keep calm! Hahaha! I grabbed my ticket (which no longer looks like a ticket because it was so crumpled lol ) and I couldn't stop smiling. Is thizzz really happeningggg! I handed the ticket to the staff and I was already jumping because of excitement. hahahaha! I remember that the guard told me, "Ops! ops! bawal ma excite!" in a joking manner. I was already jumping out of happiness, and that guard was jumping with me. hahaha! " Ma'am pati ako napapatalon e" Hahahaha! I'm so sorry Kuya Guard.
The reaction of YJ and BB on this GIF is sooo me. haahaha

We went to the washroom first for some final touch up (lol), bought some bottled water afterwards and then made our way inside the theater. Staffs are giving out the Fan Meet posters upon entry, it's randomly distributed. (duh, ofc)  Anyway, I love them all so I didn't mind. Anyway, I fan girled (again) because the seat was closer than I've expected. It was sad that my friend and I were not on the same row though. :( Anywho. I found my seat and sat quietly. (who am I kidding? I wasn't quiet. hahaha!) I said Hi to my seatmates and asked for their names and their Bias, (not good with names though huhu ). The girl on my left was Jackson biased ( NOOOO! Hahaha just kidding) while the two girls on my right were BamBam and Mark biased.

It's passed 7 p.m but the event hasn't started yet. Meanwhile, there were  Ahgase's who were waliking around to trade the poster that they got. (I got our Sunshine's poster btw <3 ). Me and my seatmate also tried to walk around because we thought someone was selling green light sticks. hahaha! From that moment, I was asking myself why I didn't buy an Ahgabong. Huhu. (TT) but next time, I'll have one for sure!

I was pretty occupied that I didn't get to check the time, tadaaa! *lights went out* there was a voice over, advising the fans that the show is about to start. Huhuhu! Fans went wild when we had a little glimpse to the boys. The hosts of the fm gave a few reminders, they mentioned that taking Pictures or Videos are strictly prohibited. :( Huhuhu. it was just a quick sadness but what's important is I get to capture the moment with my own eyes. (but ofc I still took some videos hahaha)

7 empty chairs on stage.... lights went out again and wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Zero chill.  I started screaming and some tears fell. They sang "Let Me" which is one of my Favorite songs! huhuhu! ( Let me Hold your handddd!!! oh come here and I'll hold it forever. Hahaha! ) I actually tried to go live on FB but boyyy, the staffs were really strict. haha. I managed to take like 30 seconds of their performance. I was extremely happy.
....Then Jackson part came, I.TOTALLY.LOST.IT.... His voice is as sexy as his bodyyyyy! HUHUHU.

Prove it was also part of their opening act and they sounded like they ate their CD's for breakfast. I swear it was pure eargasm! The song ended and they started to introduce themselves.
(The member's were arranged like this; Jackson, Mark, JB, Jinyoung, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom)

*Easyyyyyyy!!* *choo choo choo choooo!!~ * They all introduced themselves in English ( AHHH!! Younglish is so cuteee! I swear!! hahaha! ) Jackson was the last one to speak and he introduced his self like this, "Mahal Kita, Ako si Jackson!" and YES. IT WAS AN EXTREME FAN GIRL MOMENT FOR ME. hahahaa! yes Jackson!! Mahal na mahal din kitaaaaa!! hahahaha! ( Yes Jackson, I love you toooooo!)
Jackson asked Yugyeom to express his feelings through Sexy Dance, ofc our Hit the Stage King danced and everybody went wild. Bambam even said, "You just killed a girl over there" Hahahaha!

After a little small talk, the boys started to grant some fan requests. There was a board full of Sticky notes with requests written by the Fans, my seatmate was asking me if I was able to write on that board, and I was like, " Aww No. :( " Mehhh! It's okay, lesson learned! I'll try to come earlier on the next FM/Concert. Each of them picked a sticky note, Jackson was the first one to read the note, what did he pick, you asked? It was a Sexy Dance Relay!!! Kyaaaa!! He explained what they have to do and asked for some music. Prove it was their background music and asdfghjkl!!! Jackson started to show his sexiness again (Yes. I died. HAHAHA), followed by Mark who did something really unexpected! The crowd went crazy because of his sexy dance. My seatmate and I were fan girling like crazy. hahaha! I wanted to shoot a text my Mark Biased friends (I got 2 Mark Biased friends during that time) because I felt like I needed to check on them and ask if they are still alive. Hahaha! It was quick but really sexy! I think he felt quite embarrassed on what he did ( omg Mark, please! Don't be! hahaha) so he passed it on to our Best Leader, JB, and OMG. Why do you have to be this hot Im Jaebum???!! I swear his dance was flawless!!! Our Prince is next on the line and woahhhh! My goodness!! Jinyoungieeeee! I'm out of words!!! hahaha! He passed it on to Youngjae and he has the cutest Sexy Dance evahhhh!! Kyaaa. Our sunshine, come here and let me hug you tight!! <3 <3 Here goes our Boy, DabDab, who used the floor and did a rated SPG sexy dance! hahahaha! I swear I was laughing because it was wild! hahaha! Yugyeom must've felt the pressure and did the same! Goodness!! This Maknae line is killing me! hahahaha! they passed it on to the Hyungs, who gave some sexy dance as well. 

BamBam noticed that there are some children on the crowd, he asked for their age and the crowd answered "5", He asked the kid to erase the sexy dance from her memory, the crowd also shouted that the kid loves BamBam, and he confidently answered, " Ohh. really. Welcome to the Real World!" I burst into laughter! Bambam, you're the man! hahaha! 

The boys continued reading their sticky notes.
JB sang the soundtrack of Dream Knight (I forgot the title but I know I it's from DK. ) and Jackson asked him to sing his part on the Christmas Collab with Baek A Yeon, Just Because/ Geunyang Hanbeon. Ahhhh Im Jaebum! Your voice is gold! huhuhu it was so good I swear!!! 

Our sunshine Youngjae was asked to sing a Christmas Song and it made him 10000x cuter when he started singing "All I want for Christmas is You".  ( Oh youngjae, we want you too, and the boys for Christmas! hahaha) 

Jinyoung also got a song request and he was asked to sing This.Star. DUDE THAT IS MY FAVORITE SONG! huhuhu! I've always wanted to hear it live! I know that it's a sad song but I find the lyrics and the music arrangement beautiful! Huhuhu. I swear I could listen to This.Star forever! ( Have you heard Jackson's part on that song? I repeated it for like x123456789 times now. T.T ) Jinyoung actually forgot the lyrics of the song and asked the members for help.  Haha! Aigooo my Jinyoungie, it's your song for goodness sake! hahaha! Jackson sang a little part to remind him of it. (ahhh yes I died again!)  Jinyoung started singing,..... and Ahhhh! My Heart, It always give me a different feeling whenever I hear that song. 

It was Yugyeom's turn and the note that he got was a request for BamBam, he read it like, " Can you please sing "N ( 6 ) I T I" Awww it was so cuteeee! hahaha! The fans realized that what he was trying to say was Ngiti, BamBam started singing and surprisingly, he remembers the lyrics, boyyy! Imagine that! The last time he sang it was last year's FM! After he serenaded us with a Filipino Song, BamBam and Yugyeom was asked to do PPAP, Ahgase's sang the PPAP song and they danced perfectly to it!

After granting some fan requests, the host asked the audience about a special event that will happen next month, (I'm pretty sure that every Ahgase knows that JB's Birthday and the group's 3rd anniversary will be on January) but since the date of JB's birthday was closer, the fans had an early celebration for him. The boys looked at the screen to watch a video prepared by the Fans for JB's Birthday. Just in case you want to watch it again, here is the link. 

Jb gave a short message saying that It's too early to celebrate his birthday but he is very thankful for the surprise that the fans has prepared for him. Manly tears were shed and it melted my heart. The other boys started shouting "Uljima! Uljima! Uljima!" of course, the fans shouted together with them. It was so cute! <3 Aww Im Jaebum! come here youuu! <3 <3 <3 

After that quick birthday celebration, the boys said that they are going to sing another song, BamBam asked Jackson what their next song is and my Baby did some beat box ( oooh I love it!! <3 ) from that moment, we knew that they are going to sing Boom, Boom, Boom <3 <3 The fans went crazy again and it feels so good to hear everyone do some fan chants! <3 <3  They sang another song afterwards and it was "No Jam" <3 (Don't get me wrong their performance is full of Jams! hahahaha! Pun intended. XD) 

They finished performing 2 songs and then the program continued. It's time to start the games!!! First game was a Mystery Box, the boys were divided into 2 groups. First Group has BamBam, Youngjae and Yugyeom (Maknae Line) , Group 2 was Mark, JB, Jinyoung and Jackson. 
The two groups played Rock Paper and scissors to know which group plays first. Ahh It was so cute when JB used a mini heart against Youngjae. hahaha! 

The Hyung line lost the Battle of Rock Paper and Scissors (lol) and they went first. 
Each of them started touching the item (Poor Item though hahaha! they murdered it! hahaha) I was actually surprised that Jackson is not being King of Overreaction. hahaha! BamBam's team played next and we didn't get to see how they touched it. The Hosts said that they were covering them because of how the boys touch the mystery item. Hahhahaha! Both of the teams guessed the item right (Hyungs: Pine cone plant? haha! Maknaes: Coconut) so they decided to play another round of Rock Paper Scissors as a tie breaker. The loser team needs to make an ugly face on a photo. The Hyungs won and the Maknae line needs to do the challenge. BamBam said that they always lose except for the Fan Meeting in Cebu. hahaha!  They started posing on the camera and the Maknae's did an ugly face. BamBam said that he doesn't know if what they are doing is ugly enough, boy is not lying though, they still look good! I mean,  If that is ugly, then what does it make me? hahahaha! 

The boys started to play the next game and this is the time where they get to pick fans to be their partner on stage. I swear I was praying really hard to get chosen. hahaha! They were randomly choosing their partners  and sadly, I wasn't one of the Lucky Girls. Huhuhuhu ( My Seat number wasn't even part of the seats where Jackson could pick! huhuhuhu!!!) What made me more jealous is the fact that Jackson was holding hands with his partner. HUHUHU! I swear she was really, really, really Luckyyyy! huhuhu! Another thing is, BamBam chose a 5 year old girl as a partner! So cute! (Even the kid is luckier than most of us. hahaha Life!) Moving forward, the game was like charades, Got7 will act out the word and the partner needs to answer. Both Mark's and Jinyoung's team answered the most, but in the end, Jackson's team won with 8 points. He was celebrating with his partner and he hugged her so tight. My seatmates, who were fully aware that I'm Jackson Biased all looked at me and asked, "Uyyy, Okay ka lang ba?" (Heyyy, Are you okay?) and I was like, "Hindeeee :( :( :(" (Nooooo :(  ) and I started to cry again. hahahaha! Wooo! hahahaha! How to be you Ate! hahahaha </3 The girl won a polaroid photo with my Babies huhuhu. She's so luckyyy, when will I ever have that kind of luck? hahaha!

Moving forward, they finished the games with the fans and started to perform again. First beat of the song dropped and I think you know what I did,  fan girled like crazy, again. hahahaha! They are gonna sing Fly!!! I  swear!  That is one of my Favorite songs too! huhuhu! I also love the choreography of that song! the hip thrust step of Jackson (His rap!!! huhu I died, again.) , BamBams parttt!!! Mark's Solo on "uri sarangeun pyeongbeomhande" part ughhh! <3 so cool! and then let's talk about that shoulder move of Yugyeom!  asdfghjkl! hahaha. Those are some of my favorite moves. Of course let's not forget about JB, Jinyoung and Youngjae's voice, I swearrrr it was perfect! Fly ended and I screamed on the top of my lungs because "If you do" is their next song, Okay, I know I'm getting pretty redundant here but this is my jam!!! how could this song sound so sexy!! huhu Before today, I just watch them from the screen but now, I still can't believe that I'm seeing them sing and dance live, the feeling is so different and it made me cry again. hahaha! amazing dance steps and powerful vocals, ahhh I couldn't ask for more!

The boys started to talk again as soon as the song ended. Each of them gave their heartfelt appreciation towards the fans. JB said that the fans give them something new whenever they visit, ( awww! We love you Im Leader!!) , Mark said that we are the loudest crowd ever (WOOO!! Of course!!! <3 <3 ) he followed his statement with "the 7 of us make Got7, but with Igot7, that make us complete" (AWW TISSUES PLEASE!!!) BamBam noticed that the fans are getting cuter and Hotter (Lol, whyy you little! hahaha!)Yugyeom said that they always leave with good memories whenever they visit Philippines, and of course, the "Never satisfy the haters" advice of Jackson, he also reminded us to stay healthy mentally and physically (Awww I hope you all stay healthy too TT ). 

They were supposed to start singing "Hard Carry" when a video started playing on the big screen. It's time for the fan project. Yay! We were given some banners and we were instructed to raise it up after the video, the other fans raised it during the video though (lol XD). It wasn't as grand as the other fan projects but I know that they still felt the sincerity with what the fans did. After the video, the boys gave another message of appreciation and then Mark said that it's time for them to show us how to hard carry. 
tenenten tenen ten tenenen * LOL 

Welcome to my world let’s do this 이슈제조기라 불러 I’m so ill! *AHH! This part!


His visual gaming is so strong I swear!!!

Discussing his hotness is not necessary because it's already a given <3
Hit the staaaageeee!
Our sun is getting hotter and hotter everydayyy

The boys left the stage and lights went out for a while After they finished performing "Hard Cary". Noooo! It can't be overrrr!! Fans were screaming "GOT7! GOT7! GOT7!" and finally, BamBam started to speak from the backstage, and yayyyy! Another song!!! woo!! it's Home Run!!!

Yayyy! It's one of my favorite songs in the Departure album, I was even wearing a Home Run Shirt! This is also the time where fans stood up from their seat to get a better view, the security even allowed us to take a video of their last song (Or maybe not, hahaha too many fans were already recording, it'd be hard to stop anyway. haha!) Jackson was not on stage right away though, he only appeared during the 2nd chorus.

Huhu. The song finished and they bowed to the fans again to express their gratitude for the unending support of IGOT7. 

Nowww, the event is still not over for us because we will either have a Hi-Touch or Photo op with them, yay! The hosts announced that who ever has a TAP stamp would be for the Photo-op, I originally wanted a Hi Touch, (but after seeing the Photos from the photo-op... hayyyy. No... my heart can't take it. I decided to close the album after browsing a few pics. hahaha) I grabbed my Bag to look for my ticket, and then guess what? I lost my ticket!!! Ughh! I took out all of the stuff in my bag and I still couldn't find the ticket, I started to cry and panic, hahahaha! My friend helped me search around, she checked the paper bag that I brought and searched the floor together with me. hahaha. Until a co-ahgase behind our row found it, she handed it over to my friend and it made me extremely happy! hahahaha! I swear I was about to go crazy because of that ticket. My friend held the ticket for me afterwards. hahahaha! We started to fall in line and patiently waited for our turn. 

A few minutes has passed and finally!!! It's our turn!! 

The first in line was Jinyoung. My original plan was to call him Heo Joon Jae, but he was too handsome, it made me forgot what to say. hahaha! I ran to him an shouted "Jinyoungggg!" with a smile, he smiled back and omg. hahaha! That eye smile though. He was really, really, REAAAALLYYYY handsome! 

Second was the dashing and fab BamBam. I called him "Oppa-ya", he's smiling, as usual. 

Third in line was Our sunshine, Youngjae and this little fluff ball looks so cute, I just wanna keep him forever! Hahaha! 

Next was Kim Yugyeom and wahhh! This not-so-little Maknae is so tall and handsome too!! 

Mark was after yg and I don't know why there was a little pause before I get to touch his hand, Hahaha! His head was a little titled and he was looking at me. I SWEAR HE WAS SO HANDSOME TOO!!! (Actually, all of them are, need I say more? hahaha) His face was so flawless, like PORES, Where art thou???!!

Sixth member was the Im Jaebum and his eye smile was a killer as well. He looks so hoooot!!!! 

And finally, Jackson Wang... My baby, the guy who I love the most is in front of me, I paused for a while and took a deep breath to contain my overflowing happiness, (I swear if I wasn't on the right and calm mind, I would've jumped and hugged him. hahaha!) I held his and said, "Oppa Saranghae, Jackson-Oppa Saranghae", I couldn't forget his face and that smile. Huhuhu I love this man so much!!! I held his hand the longest, and actually, one of the staffs removed my hand and asked me to move forward. huhuhu <//3 

I was fan girling even if I'm already outside the theater, I was also trying to contact my dongsaeng but her phone was not ringing, it was a good thing that I saw her a few minutes after, turns out her phone ran out of battery. We were waiting for her dad and decided to go back to the entrance of the theater, and I was shocked to see someone wearing a Luigi costume, like OMG!!! She has thought of the same thingggg!! We took some pictures together (MarkSon!!!) and yay! I was so happy because I found some new friends!  Huhuhu <3

The Fan meeting was over but my feels just won't easily go away. I really miss them so much. Huhuhu. I hope I could visit Korea soon so I can attend one of their fansigns, I need more interaction with them, at least before I die, please. Hahaha!

Words are not enough to express how I feel but I'm proud and happy that I stan the best boys that I've ever known; Hard working boys who keeps proving that there's more to them than their pretty faces, They've got pure talent and lovable personality, I actually fall in love with them everyday and I couldn't ask for more. One thing is for sure,  I'll always and forever will be an IGOT7. 

My 7 Goofy Babies!! Please come back soon!!! <3 <3 <3 I can't wait to see you all again! <3

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