Friday, December 30, 2016

Got7 Flight Log:Turbulence in Manila 2016 ( Part 1)

Omo! Long time no post!! Hello everyone! It's been like, uhh, 7 months? (or 8) haha! but wooo! my feels are over flowing right now and I felt like writing on my blog would be the best solution to release some of it. Let's start!

One fine day, I was scrolling, viewing, reading some articles/posts on different websites, until I saw a post on a Got7 group page. I freaked out. GOT7 IS COMING TO THE PHILIPPINES THIS YEAR!

I searched for more articles to make sure that the statement is legitimate, and wahhhhh!! It's real!!!! According to the article that I saw on KStreet Manila, [ Nov. 1 ] TAP/ Three Angles Production announced that Got7 will be making 2 stops in the Philippines! First stop will be on the Queen city of South, Cebu and of course, the second stop would be in Manila. I saw the announcement around the second week of November, Ticket prices were already revealed but ticket selling date was not yet announced. There will be three types of seats and those are Premium  (4,500++) , VIP (6,500++) and VVIP (9000++). I felt overflowing excitement because of the fact that I will see them before the year ends! Wahhh!! Just in time for Christmas! A perfect gift for myself! <3 <3 <3 Since then, I followed TAP on Twitter and Facebook to make sure that I'm updated when it comes to their announcements for the fan meeting. A week later, they posted an update with regards to the ticket selling. Pre-selling of tickets for the VVIP section would be on November 20 at Hard Rock Cafe- Makati. The location is not going to be a problem since it's just a few blocks away from me, but... November 20...... Of all of the dates in November, why does it have to be 20! huhuhu </3  November 20 is like the third day of my travel in Bacolod, I wish I could do Kage bunshin no Jutsu for that type of situation. :(

Moving forward, what made me worried was the number of tickets each person is entitled to purchase, they said that a person can purchase up to 4 tickets. There will be limited VVIP seats and of course, who wouldn't want to sit on a good spot? I mean, you're paying that much, might as well, go and buy the nearest seat that you could get for yourself, right?
All unsold VVIP tickets and other ticket categories will be available online at 12 noon, the day after the pre-selling.
Flash forward and November 20 arrived. I was not surprised to hear/see/read that some fans started to line up late night before the day of the pre-selling. Of course, there will be fans who would be willing to camp out to score a good ticket. Awwww. Things we do for Love. hahaha! <3 I would do that if I could, however, as I mentioned earlier, 20th is the 3rd day of my trip and I just can't cut nor reschedule it. ( Huhu the trip is finally scheduled, we got the hotel room reserved, and we've been planning to take this trip since last year, it has been rescheduled for who knows how many times and I just can't reschedule it again :( )

I kept checking twitter and facebook just to rub it in...that I won't be able to grab a good seat. Haha. Night time arrived and they were already posting their tickets . Huhuhu. I felt jealous to the Ahgases who luckily scored a seat on row 1 <//3  It was a very desperate moment for me to the point that I even asked some of my friends if they know someone who is selling their ticket, hahaha! We found a tweet selling a ticket on row 10 however, she wanted me to deposit the whole money and she said that she'll give the tickets on the FM day itself. Of course, I did not agree. That would be very risky and quite suspicious. Anyway. Woke up the next day and waited for the online selling to start, I was very nervous that time and I don't know why. hahaha. Clicked the best seat available section because I really wanted to get a ticket as soon as possible. haha. The website gave me Row 15 seat 19, and then *click, click, click* yay! Order has been completed. I went from a worried person to a super fan girl real quick. hahaha! The thought of seeing them in person made me really excited and now that I got a ticket, wahhhh! I really can't believe that I'm going to see them for real! Huhuhu! During that time, I didn't care about the seat number, I just thought that buying the ticket is the priority; besides, I didn't know how to choose a seat in the first place. HAHAHA I just found out a few days after, and....there are seats available that are closer to the stage. HA HA HA, oh well, at least I got a ticket. so yey! Less than a month away from seeing them in person! Hoorayyy! <3 I can't take my eyes off of my ticket, I kept on reading the details then I decided to post on the group page with the hopes of finding my seatmates. hahaha! A lot of people answered in the comment and I made really good friends with some of them, ( 2 of them to be exact. XD ) Also, there's this girl who said that she's in the same row, and goodness! we are 1 seat apart! hahaha! It only means one thing, the person in between us, is a a solo goer as well! Yay! We should befriend  whoever that person is! hahaha!
Moving forward and a few days has passed, another announcement has been posted.

There will be a pre- event on December 9 at the Korean Cultural Center. This event is a great chance to meet fellow ahgases, they said that there would be games, fan chants practice ( what I've always wanted to try! haha!) and Fan projects discussion. Event will start at 3 p.m, huhu here goes my schedule again. I tried to file a vacation leave but it got declined. (huhu) I'm coming from Makati, and I saw someone looking for an Ahgase coming from Makati. I left a comment because it's an opportunity to have a new friend plus, I thought i'd be able to go with her. :( (This was before my Vacation leave got Declined.  </3 ) Anyway, I still managed to attend, I arrived at BGC around 6:30, to be honest, I had a hard time finding KCC, hahaha! I asked the guard and he said that it's behind the Mercedes Benz sign, what I only saw is the subaru haha I've been walking around with a google map on my hand, finally, I saw another person, gathered all my courage again to ask where KCC is, he pointed behind me and said that "It's there", of course I said "thank you" , I walked away without fully understanding his instructions, hahahaha. but thank goodness because he didn't move, (he probably knew that I won't be able to find it nor understood his instruction. HAHAHA! ) Anyway, he led me to the entrance. Hahahaha. but seriously, who would've thought that the entrance was there, I thought it was the employee entrance of Subaru! hahaha! Anywho, I managed to get in the KCC around 6:45, the guard guided me to one of the practice rooms ( He probably knew that I somehow lost my sense of direction. HAHAHA! ) I sat at the back because I came in late. They were already practicing Fan Chants for See the Light and Hard Carry when I arrived. huhu. I've always wanted to try fan chants, and I felt really happy. hahaha! And btw, remember the girl who was looking for an ahgase coming from Makati? I saw her and we've become really good friends after. Another reason to be happy because I've found myself a 동생! <3 . The pre-event was a success. They also gave away some Flight log: Departure Albums, and man I was really jealous! hahaha! We also took a video for Got7. Kyaaa. It was so fun! Now all we have to do is wait for the Dday. <3 <3 

Part 2 of the post will be for the Dday! <3 <3 <3
I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog post! <3

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures. All credit goes to the Original artist. <3 

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