Thursday, February 4, 2016


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Actually.. More like "Belated Happy Birthday" Hahahaha!

I turned Twenteen-One last Tuesday (January 26) and how did I celebrate it, you ask? (Ohh, or maybe not; but I'd tell you anyway. Hahaha!)

Supposedly, Tuesday is a day off from work, but I had to go to the office due to some commitment. I woke up the moment my alarm clock rang, somewhere around 8 a.m, without snoozing it or whatsoever. Sweet messages from some of my closest friends flooded my inbox and it made me feel "awwww" because their messages were so touching. :') (I actually hid my birthday on Facebook which is why it was extra touching because they remembered without Facebook's reminder. <3 ).  I went downstairs and found my Mom who joyfully greeted me a Happy birthday and gave me a sweet kiss and hug. I didn't have any special plans for my birthday, all I know is that after I finish my stuff in the office, I'd go to the mall and treat myself a good shopping haul and satisfy my cravings for food. Anywho, time flew so fast and man, it took me an hour to prepare myself, took a bath for 10 minutes, 20 minutes to choose my OOTD, and more or less 30 minutes to fix my eyebrows and eyeliner. (I'm pretty OC when it comes to my eyebrow so.. hahahaha Saaaaryyy Mom for waitingggg.Hehehe!)

Moving on, I arrived in the office and went to my friends who greeted me as well. Awww~ hahaha!
We had a little chit chat as always; and when I say little, it means for hours. haha! I had to wait for my group mates so that we can start filming and started around 4 o'clock.  It went fast, we finished our shoot within 30-45 minutes, I think? hahaha. Anyway, I rushed downstairs to catch a bus going to Megamall, the traffic was pretty heavy, but not as heavy as before, those bus lanes are working actually! I walked around Megamall and noticed that some of the escalators were blocked, I also noticed a lot of people around the escalators, Mehhh. what was going on? I asked myself. lol
I went to forever 21 because I still need to buy my Disneyland OOTD. hahahaha. I was hoping to buy a Red sweatshirt and a leather skirt, so I did. hahaha. I went to 4 branches of Forever 21 and couldn't find the right shape of the leather skirt that I was rooting for, Yay!! Thank you Forever 21 Megamall!
Okayyy, going back, I kept on walking around, going in and out of the shops to see if something would suit my taste, I passed by the blocked escalators again, there were cameras, and then the next thing I saw was Xian Lim and Bb. Joyce Bernal.  A few seconds after, Angel Locsin and Vilma Santos walked in, they were both G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S and flawless! Wow!! Angel Locsin was waving and asking the people to support "Everything about her".

Okay, enough with that topic,  going back, I only bought 1 skirt, 1 jacket, 2 bags and 1 pair of shoes.After shopping, the perfect thing to do is to eat, again. (I was actually eating some light snacks while walking around XD) ,One thing to know about me is that I'm always, and I mean always, hungry. Hahaha. (For a birthday or any occasional gift, I prefer something edible please. HAHAHAH!) So I walked and walked and walked again around the fashion hall and ended up eating at Osaka Ohsho; I took some shameless selfies while waiting and posted them on Facebook as a mandatory birthday selfie. hahahahaha!

I finished my meal around 10 P.M, and during that time, my Mom was already asking on my whereabouts.
I was supposed to write this post before my birthday ends, but woo, I totally forgot about it and decided to sleep instead. Hahaha!

My birthday celebration sounds boring right? hahaha. But nahh, Yeah it was quite sad because I celebrated it alone but I'm happy because God has given me another year of life, besides, if there's one thing that I enjoy doing alone, it's shopping! hahaha! I also felt huge love from my closest friends and family, so yeah, I still enjoyed my birthday.

There! here's my first post, watch out for more! hahaha! I'll try to post as often as possible. HAHAHAHA! *Try. Hahahaha!

This blog is actually part of my New Year's resolution so.... Hahaha Hereee! Enjoyyyy! <3

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